Victory was ensured when one used this symbol to confront his enemy. Cast in Metal. And when used then thrust on the forehead between the eyebrows, as is shown by this formula: “Helmet of Ægill, which I carry between my brows”. It was also a Safe Shield against the Anger of Chieftains. This item is handmade in Iceland.
Size: Small: 2.0 x 2.0 cm / 0.8 x 0.8 inches.
The name Ægill literally translates as ''Helm of Awe,'' but the symbol is thought to be derived from the Runic writing system used by the ancient Germanic peoples. Originally the name meant a kind of covering that surrounds and enables its wearer to terrify and subdue his enemies. Graphic signs or staves were just one of the tools used to do the bidding of the magician. The symbol itself had little power of its own - only in conjunction with the powerful knowledge of the magic scholars were the symbols actually activated. This was done in part by the incantation of the names of the ancient gods along with the etching of the rune/symbols, usually into wood, and sometimes accompanied by the burning of an herb or application of some other animal/vegetable substance. The Helm of Awe symbol is written about in other books, including the Poetic Eddas and the Galdrabók (The Icelandic Book of Magic). These manuscripts were written during the golden age of the Icelandic literature i.e. 1000-1400; the stories often reflecting the practices and beliefs of the Viking Age (800-1000), and even earlier times. Until the Reformation, the heathen gods and Christianity were uniquely fused in the minds of many Icelanders - even though Iceland had officially accepted Christianity as its national religion in the year 1000. It was not until well into the 16th century that influences from Scandinavia and Europe truly had an effect on the Icelanders - eventually eroding away the old beliefs.