We'Moon on the Wall is a simplified version of the datebook, featuring 12"x 12" reproductions of a vibrant work of art for each month, selected from the 150 pieces published in the datebook. It is a Month-at-a-glance Moon Phase Calendar showing the Moon phases for each day, graphically illustrated in light blue and yellow color tones to indicate when the Moon is Waxing or Waning, light enough to make any notations you write on the calendar still visible.
More Than a Moon Phase Calendar:
Featuring Feminist Art and Writing by Women
Women from all over the world submit thousands of offerings of art and writing every year to the We'Moon Lunar Calendar, and the wall calendar is a harvest of those treasures. A perfect gift for the goddess in your life! Each page includes luscious art chosen thematically by season. Poetry snippets complement each featured art piece, giving you an inspirational, contemplative focus.
Astrological Calendar Information Included:
- Daily Moon Phases graphically depicted
- Notation for when the Moon changes signs
- The year-at-a-glance with full and new moons noted
- Planetary insights for the year
- Notations and writings for the 8 pagan holidays
- Astrological prediction and overview for the year
- Chinese astrology article by Susan Levitt
- All major astrological transits noted
- Notations for Solar and Lunar Eclipses
- Influences of the different signs of the zodiac
- Astrology signs and symbols at a glance